Welcome to Essentially Peaceful

Aromatherapy is a gentle and ancient form of therapy that has stood the test of time . Throughout the ages when only natural ingredients were available, mankind has made use of natures gifts.
Reiki healing is a form of vibrational healing.We happily accept many things in our daily lives that work on a vibrational frequency such as mobile phones, radio waves,TV signals or ultrasound machines -Reiki is a similar principle using energy or Chi/Ki life force energy.
Sessions - 1 hour £30
1/2 hour £18
Treatments are for ladies only and run from my home in Old Town Poole which means that an hours massage/Reiki means an hour!
Allow an hour and a half for your visit as prior to treatment we will discuss how you are feeling and afterwards there is time for you to relax before moving back into your day.
If you have any queries or would like to book please call me on 07877 648634 or email : rfurtek@yahoo.com
- Oils such as Frankincense have long been used in churches to deepen the breathing and enhance the meditative effects and as effective skincare for mature skin ,
- Lavender as anti-inflammatory ,a regulator for the nervous system and soothing for both mind and body.
- Tea Tree oil which helps to increase the body's ability to respond to infections so helpful for any bacterial,fungal or viral infections-it was once put in all Australian soldiers army kits.
- Essential oils pass through the skin and into the bloodstream, from there to all organs of the body. For this reason the oils must be pure and also chosen with care to blend for the needs of the body and also the mind and spirit.
- There are many oils to choose from and the skill of the blending maximizes the benefits that can be gained- combined with the soothing caress of Aromatherapy style massage the body and mind can become quite still and take "time out" leaving you feeling refreshed and recharged.
Reiki healing is a form of vibrational healing.We happily accept many things in our daily lives that work on a vibrational frequency such as mobile phones, radio waves,TV signals or ultrasound machines -Reiki is a similar principle using energy or Chi/Ki life force energy.
- Animals also respond well to healing , They sometimes approach me and sit quietly for a few minutes to take healing-I haven't invited them(!) or instigated this in any way but animals in pain or distress seem to be attracted to the Reiki frequency- so no "belief" needed just instinct telling them it can help.
- Reiki, like aromatherapy ,works on more than one level - the client remains clothed whilst on the couch and hands are placed gently on the body to bring about healing of both body and mind.The sensation is generally similar to when you are just about to fall asleep, deeply relaxed but actually still awake the benefits can be gentle or profound and stay with you for many days
Sessions - 1 hour £30
1/2 hour £18
Treatments are for ladies only and run from my home in Old Town Poole which means that an hours massage/Reiki means an hour!
Allow an hour and a half for your visit as prior to treatment we will discuss how you are feeling and afterwards there is time for you to relax before moving back into your day.
If you have any queries or would like to book please call me on 07877 648634 or email : rfurtek@yahoo.com